But here's the thing. The girl in both the pictures is the same one, it is the person who is being crushed on is different. And just read on before thinking that I'm crazy just read it first.
In the first case it is someone famous , maybe the popular jock or Zayn Malik. the acceptance is there because you accept that they are good looking and don't mind oogling them and soon the infatuation becomes just a bit more personal.
But the second picture is the one in which we realize that :
a). The person is not really popular.
b). They may be in reach.
c). The initial stage has passed and we're in too deep ( sort of like Candace from 'Phineas and Ferb' , you know the one which boderlines creepy ).
And hence the screaming or crying when realization dawns upon us.
Unfortunately no cure has been invented to make a crush go away. But even then they are painfully funny when they are over ( because let's face it even if you let it go your friends won't let it go for a veeeeerry looooong time ). And maybe just maybe you may even end up with them , but until then happy crushing or heartbreaking crushing 'cause 'they won't be called crushes if they didn't crush our own heart in the process '.
( don't worry I promise there will be another entry on this later but until then bye 👋. ).
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